AS 56987 - Abaclouda

Abaclouda runs a french nationwide IP/MPLS network.

Public Peering Exchange Points

By prefered order :

To provide high quality services to our customers, we have an open peering policy,
please find more information on our PeeringDB page

Contact : peering [at]

Originated Prefixes

Announced Prefixes

We are upstream for other networks, (AS cone account required), so please use our AS-SET for your filters : AS-ABACLOUDA

Facilitate validation of routing information

As member of the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative, we are committed to routing security and transparency.

We host the RIPE Atlas Anchor #7320, if you don't have credits to use it, try online tools like as56987 traceroute.

Public informations

Looking glass

We don't have a public looking-glass yet, but you can use super-lg and filter with our ASN.

In addition, here are some public links for quick debug

Your IP address :
Too bad, this is legacy IPv4

Legal information : Abaclouda SAS